バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c167
★ calculus【(n) 算法,計算法;微積分学】
* calculate (vt & vi):計算する;見積もる
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Boole had published his Laws of Thought in 1854 and had developed a whole calculus dealing mainly with class-inclusion .[G. ブール(George Boole, 1815- 1864)は1854年に『思考の法則』を出版し、集合の包含関係(class-inclusion)を主として扱う算法(calculus)の全体を展開していた。]
A mother is not expected to teach her son the calculus, however much she may love him.
Christ tells us to become as little children, but little children cannot understand the differential calculus, or the principles of currency, or the modern methods of combating disease.
[キリストは人々に幼児のようであれと教えている。(しかし)幼児には、微積分、通貨の原理、現代医学の闘病法も分らない。 ]
I suggest that all medical men under sixty should band themselves together into a league for the defence of youth and that they should exert their influence to prevent all researches calculated to prolong the life of the very old.
[60歳以下の全ての医療関係者は一致団結して若者を守るために,高齢者の寿命を伸ばすと予測される(思われる)全ての調査研究を阻止するように影響力を発揮するべきだと私は提案する。(冗談/ calculated 計算される → 予測される) ]
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『究極の英単語 v.4 超上級の3000語』p.291
Calculus is a system for making calculations about quantities which are continually changing such as the speed of a falling stone or the slope of a curved line - see also differential calculus, integral calculus.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
Calculus is a branch of advanced mathematics which deals with variable quantities.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.
He found a way to calculate the volume of any irregular solid object.