バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c165 - crank
★ crank【(n) 奇人・変人,気難し屋;覚醒剤;L字型ハンドル(クランク) | (vt)(映画カメラの)クランクを回して撮影する】
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The man who is engaged in experiments with a view to some great scientific discovery or invention is not blamed afterwards for the poverty that he has made his family endure, provided that his efforts are crowned with ultimate success. If, however, he never succeeds in making the discovery or the invention that he was attempting, public opinion condemns him as a crank, which seems unfair, since no one in such an enterprise can be sure of success in advance.
Some "advanced thinkers" are of the opinion that any one who differs from the conventional opinion must be in the right. This is a delusion; if it were not, truth would be easier to come by than it is. There are infinite possibilities of error, and more cranks take up unfashionable errors than unfashionable truths.
[「先進的な思想家」のなかには、従来の意見と異なる者なら誰でも正しいに違いないという考えの人もいる。これは妄想である。 もしそうでない(妄想でない)としたら、真理は現実よりももっと容易に手にいることだろう。誤りをおかす可能性は無限にあり、また、流行遅れの真理(unfashionable truths)よりも流行遅れの誤りをとりあげる変人(注:crank つむじ曲がりの人)のほうがより多い。]
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『究極の英単語 v.4 超上級の3000語』p.155
A crank is a person with ideas that other people find strange. / A crank is a person who easily gets angry or annoyed.
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8t ed.
A crank is a device that you turn in order to make something move.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.