バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c152 - cane
★ cane【(n) 杖(つえ),籐製のステッキ;(サトウキビの)茎 | (v) (罰として)つえでたたく;(つえでたたいて)教え込む】
* cane chair とういす
* cane sugar 甘蔗糖(かんしょとう)
* cane work とう細工(品)
* caning (n):むち打ち(give a lazy boy a good caning 怠け者をしたたか鞭打つ)
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Until very recently it was held that, if a boy could not learn his lesson, the proper cure was caning or flogging.
[つい最近まで,もし少年(a boy 子供)が課業(lesson)を学ぶことができないときには,杖(つえ)か鞭(むち)でたたく(打つ)ことが適切な対処法(矯正法)であるとみなされていた。]
You may, if you are an old-fashioned schoolmaster, wish to consider yourself full of universal benevolence, and at the same time derive great pleasure from caning boys. In order to reconcile these two desires you have to persuade yourself that caning has a reformatory influence.
When Mr. Fairchild found his children quarrelling he caned them, making the cane keep time to the verse "Let dogs delight to bark and bite." .
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『究極の英単語 SVL vol.3 上級の篇3000語』p.22
a campaign to abolish caning in schools
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
A cane is a long thin stick with a curved or round top which you can use to support yourself when you are walking or which in the past was fashionabel to carry with you.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictonary for Advanced Learners, new ed.