バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c145 - coax
★ coax [(vt)(人を)うまく説きつけて~させる(~を得る);(物を)うまく扱って思うようにする | (vi) 甘言を用いる,だます]
* coax は,根気よく機嫌をとって相手を説得し目的を達する。【I coaxed my child to sleep : 子供をあやして眠らせた】
* coaxing (n):甘言を用いること;なだめすかし
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[子供は病気でないかぎり,(無理やり食べさせずに)食べ物を残させ,お腹がすくようにさせよう。私の息子は,保母になだめすかされて食事をしていて,しだいに「気むずかしく(difficile フランス語)になっていった。]
Modern writers on infant psychology all emphasize the importance of not urging a young child to eat or sleep : these things ought to be done spontaneously by the child, not as a result of coaxing or forcing.
After some unsuccessful coaxing, combined with the spectacle of everybody else bathing, we adopted old-fashioned methods.
When all the logical consequences of an innovation are presented simultaneously, the shock to habits is so great that men tend to reject the whole, whereas, if they had been invited to take one step every ten or twenty years, they could have been coaxed along the path of progress without much resistance.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『究極の英単語 v.4 超上級の3000語』, p84
The children had to be coax .
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuade them to do it.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictonary for Advanced Learners, new ed.