バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c087 - curiosity
★ curiosity (n) [好奇心;(+ to do) ・・・したい気持ち;珍奇(なもの),物珍しさ]
* curiosity shop 骨董店
* curious (adj.):好奇心のある;好奇心をそそる;奇妙な
"curious" と "curiosity"とのスペルの違い("u"のあるなし)に注意
* a curious thing :好奇心をそそるもの、奇妙なもの
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The purpose of the teaching should be, from the pupil's point of view, partly to satisfy his curiosity, partly to give him the skill required in order that he may be able to satisfy his curiosity for himself.
Tell him rather more than he can understand, not rather less; the part he fails to understand will stimulate his curiosity and his intellectual ambition.
出典:ラッセル『教育論』第二部_性格の教育 第8章「正直(誠実)であること」
Indeed, I am inclined to think that the intellectual inferiority of women, in so far as it exists, is mainly due to the restraint upon curiosity which the fear of sex leads them to impose.
They had also the leisure of mind for disinterested curiosity, they travelled in Italy and picked up old masters, they conversed with Arctic explorers and speculated about the Northwest Passage, and they were interested in the experiments of the ingenious Mr. Boyle, who was known as the father of chemistry and as the son of the Earl of Cork. .
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
Sophie's curiosity was aroused by the mysterious phone call.
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.
Kids are curious about everything.
出典:『東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.172