バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c043 - cure
★ cure [(v) (病気を)治療する、なおす、いやす;(悪い癖などを)直す、矯正する || (n) 治療、治療法(薬);回復;(困難な問題などの)解決法;(文語)魂の救済]
* cure A of B: A(人)のB(病気)を治す
* curable (adj.):治療できる,治せる
* incurable (adj.):不治の;矯正できない
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Optimism about other people's troubles is a very risky business unless it goes with quite concrete proposals as to how to make the troubles disappear or grow less. A medical man has a right to be optimistic about your illness if he can prescribe a treatment which will cure it, but a friend who merely says. 'Oh, I expect you will soon feel better.' is exasperating.
The other school says: the depression is caused by insufficient expenditure, and can only be cured by spending more, but since, at the moment, private capitalists are not finding it profitable to spend in the form of new investments, the spending must by public authorities.
The human body, left to itself, has a certain power of curing itself; small cuts usually heal, colds pass off, and even serious diseases sometimes disappear without medical treatment.
[人体は、何もしないでも、自らの病気を治す一定の力(自然治癒力)をもっている。 小さい切傷は通常(なにもしなくても)治り、風邪はどこかにいってしまい(治り)、重い病気さえ、時折、治療せずに消えてしまう(治る)ことがある。]
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
The doctor has cured my father of his stomachache.
出典:『東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.374]
When I left hospital I was completely cured. / This medicine will cure you of your cough.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
The cure took six weeks.
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.