ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c033 - carry out

★ carry out [(何らかの計画や指示、任務などを)実行する、果たす]


When the old man died, she sold his false teeth and refused to carry out his death-bed request to give a present of £5 to the gardener.

If, in spite of all they say, you carry out your intention, they will soon come round, much sooner in fact than either you or they suppose. .

He had replied with enthusiasm, but had said that, because he was not well and could hardly keep up with present commitments, he himself could do nothing to help beyond sending me the names of various scientists who, he thought, would be sympathetic. He had begged me, nevertheless, to carry out my idea and to formulate the statement myself.
[彼(アインシュタイン)は,熱意を込めた返事をくれたが,返事の手紙には,自分は健康があまりすぐれず,当面ほとんど関与することができず,共鳴してくれると自分が思う多様な科学者の名前をあげる以上のことは何も役に立つことはできそうもない,と書かれていた。それにもかかわらず,彼は,私の考えを実行にうつすこと,また私自身で声明(文)を作成してほしい,と懇願してきた。(そこで)私は,私のクリスマス放送「人類の危機(Man's Peril)」をもとにしてその声明(文)(ラッセル=アインシュタイン宣言)を作成した。]


Plans are easy to make, but difficult to carry out .

The spy successfully carried out the mission.
 出典:『東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.84]

Thomas could not carry out his task on account of an accident. / It is a very good idea, but the question is how to carry it out.
[トーマスは事故のために仕事をやりとげられなかった。/ とてもいい思いつきだが、問題はどうやってそれを実行するかである。] 

Our planes carried out a bombing raid on enemy targets. / An investigation into the cause of the crash will be carried out by the Department of Transport.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.