バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・英熟語 b082 - beseech
★ beseech (v) [懇願する,嘆願する]
* be- + seech (= seek)/ 過去形は beseeched あるいは besought
* beseechingly (adv.):懇願的に;手を合わさんばかりに
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So long as I lived in the same house with Alys she would every now and then come down to me in her dressing-gown after she had gone to bed, and beseech me to spend the night with her. .
One of the most curious incidents of the War, so far as I was concerned, was a summons to the War Office to be kindly reasoned with Several Red Tabs with the most charming manners and the most friendly attitude, besought me to acquire a sense of humour, for they held that no one with a sense of humour would give utterance to unpopular opinions. .
[第一次大戦中におきた出来事のなかで最も奇妙なものの一つは,自分に関する限り,陸軍省への出頭であり,数人の陸軍高級将校(Red Tabs)に,この上なく魅力的な作法で,またこの上なく友好的な態度で親切に説得されことであり,私は,ユーモアのセンスを持つように懇願された。というのは,彼らはユーモアのセンスをもっている人は,一般が受け入れないような意見をはくことはないだろうと彼らは考えていたからである。]
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:Kenkyusha's New Collegiate English-Japanese Dictionary, 4th ed.
She beseeched him to cut his drinking and his smoking.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.