バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 a023 be equal to
★ be equal to [ ~に等しい,匹敵する;耐えうる]
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* product (n):積
[代数学学習の当初,私は,代数は(ユークリッド以上に)はるかに難しいということがわかった---多分,教え方が悪かった結果だと思う。私は,つぎのように暗記させられた--「二つの数の和の二乗は,その二数おのおのの二乗の和に,その二数の'積'の二倍を加えたものに等しい」[松下注:いうまでもなく,(a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab]。
The happiness of my gardener is of the same species; he wages a perennial war against rabbits, of which he speaks exactly as Scotland Yard speaks of Bolsheviks; he considers them dark, designing and ferocious, and is of the opinion that they can only be met by means of a cunning equal to their own.
The only difficulty would be to combine this submissiveness with the necessary ferocity against external enemies; but I do not doubt that official science would be equal to the task.
* 参考 official science : マズローによる正統派科学(official science)の批判
出典:Bertrand Russell: Icarus, or The Future of Science, 1925]
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
In the desert, a little water is equal to a diamond.
出典:『アナリシス英熟語3000 v.2.1』p.12]
She had to give a speech to 3000 people, but she proved quite equal to the situation/occasion (=able to dealt with whatever happened).
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemprary English, new ed.]
I hope that he proves equal to . the challenge.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]