バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 b016 - be to
★ be to [・・・するはずである(予定),・・・するべきである(義務),・・・できる(可能),・・・する運命である(運命),・・・しようとする(意志)]
* 森一郎『試験にでる英熟語』p.179説明: be to が主語の'意志'を表すのは,それが If ... という条件節の中で用いられた場合で,このさい,主節には must あるいはそれと同じ意味を表す語句(たとえば will be necessary, have to な)が来る。
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He is to come here at five.
He was to have arrived at 5.
出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th.]
In marrying, bride and bridegroom are informed that it will henceforth be their 'duty' to love one another, although, since love is an emotion, it is not subject to the control of the will and therefore cannot come within the scope of duty. Considerate behaviour may be a duty, but love is a gift from heaven: when the gift is withdrawn, the one who has lost it is to be pitied, not blamed.
I am to inform that ... / You are not to use my computer.
[・・・をご通知申し上げます。/ 私のPCを使ってはいけない。
出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th.]
In it, I developed the view that complete fidelity was not to be expected in most marriages, but that a husband and wife ought to be able to remain good friends in spite of affairs.
People destitute of the arts of success have their rights, and it is difficult to say how they was not to secure them when all those who possess these arts achieve success. There is no solution except to abandon the belief that competition is a means of securing justice.
Not a sound was to be heard.
What he expressed and I equally felt was, in his words, 'A deep admiring affection which, if you were never to see me again and forgot my existence tomorrow, would be unalterably yours usque ad finem'.
[彼が書き,私も同感した全ては,次の彼の言葉のなかにある。即ち,「もしもあなたが私に二度と会うことがなく(会えない運命で),私の存在を明日忘れ去るとしても,私のあなたに対する深い賛美と情愛の念は変わることなく,いつまでもあなたと共にあるでしょう。(usque ad finem)」。
We were never to meet each other again.
He was never to see his homeland again.
出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th.]
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
She was very young, but I found her possessed of a degree of calm courage as great as Ottoline's (courage is a quality that I find essential in any woman whom I am to love seriously). We talked half the night, and in the middle of talk became lovers.
You must work hard if you are to succeed.