バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 b013 - be subject to
★ be subject to [~の支配を受ける、~に服従する;(被害・病気など)を被りやすい;~にかかりやすい、~しがちである]
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Wherever there is inequality of power, it is not likely to be found among those who are subject to the rule of others.
Source:Bertrand Russell: Authority and the Individual, Lecture 4: THE CONFLICT OF TECHNIQUE AND HUMAN NATURE, p.59
In marrying, bride and bridegroom are informed that it will henceforth be their 'duty' to love one another, although, since love is an emotion, it is not subject to the control of the will and therefore cannot come within the scope of duty. Considerate behaviour may be a duty, but love is a gift from heaven: when the gift is withdrawn, the one who has lost it is to be pitied, not blamed.
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Compared to the locals, travelers are more subject to getting sick from drinking tap water.
出典:『鉄緑会東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.27
Children who act badly during the class are subject to punishment.
出典:『解体英熟語 改訂第二版』p.316
Flights are subject to delay because of the fog.
Source:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.