バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 b008 brood
★ brood [(v) じっと考えこむ;くよくよ考える;(鳥が)卵を抱く;(雲や夕闇などが)たれこめる || (n) かえりのひな;種族]
* breed (産む,養育する) と混同しないこと。
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* morbid (adj.):病的な;(口語)憂鬱な
My impression of the old families of Philadelphia Quakers was that they had all the effeteness of a small aristocracy. Old misers of ninety would sit brooding over their hoard while their children of sixty or seventy waited for their death with what patience they could command.
* effete (adj.):精力の尽きた,衰えた
* hoard (n):(財宝・お金などの)秘蔵;(知識などの)薀蓄;(食料などの)貯蔵物
* command (v):(感情などを)抑える;命令する;指揮する
Though the reviews of the book were all that could be hoped, nobody paid much attention to what I considered most important about it, the impossibility of reconciling ethical feelings with ethical doctrines. In the depths of my mind this dark frustration brooded constantly.
[その本(注:Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1948)に対する書評は申し分なかったが,私がこの本で最も重要だと考えていたことについては,即ち倫理的感情と倫理的原則(原理)とを調和させることは不可能だということについては,誰も大した注意を払わなかった。私の心の底には,この陰鬱な欲求不満がたえずたれこめていた(巣くっていた)。
The mountains were still snow-capped, but the valleys were full of blossoming fruit trees. Kids gambolled in the fields, and the people seemed happy. Even the donkeys looked contented. The only dark spot was Sparta which was sullen and brooding beneath Taygetus from which emanated a spirit of frightening evil.
* gambol (v):(子羊や子供が)跳ねまわる,ふざける
* sullen (adj.):不機嫌な;(天候など)陰気な
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Don't just sit there brooding (over your problems). / Dark clouds were brooding over the city.[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]