バートランド・ラッセル英単語・熟語 a027 - as it is
★ as it is [(文中や文末において)現状でも,今のままでも(すでに),ご覧のように;(文頭において)しかし実情(実際)は
* as it were : as one might say; in a sort of way. (He is, as it were, a modern Sherlock Holmes.
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If our dreams, night after night, were as coherent one with another as our days, we should hardly know whether to believe the dreams or the waking life. As it is, the test of coherence condemns the dreams and confirms the waking life.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
If I had plenty of money, I would pay you. As it is, I cannot do so.
We had hoped to finish it today, but as it is we probably won't finish until tomorrow. / Don't say anything else; you're in enough trouble as it is.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]