バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 a022 - anything but
★ anything but [not at all; far from/決して・・・でない,・・・どころではない]
* "anything but" = 「~以外の何でもありうる」→「~では決してない」* ChatGPT との対話:
"anything but"の意味は [not at all; far from/決して・・・でない,・・・どころではない]であり、be 動詞の後に通常あらわれます。次の例(be 動詞の後ではない場合)も、[not at all; far from/決して・・・でない,・・・どころではない]の意味に近いもの(親戚)と考えられるでしょうか?
"In the work-hour crowd you will see anxiety, excessive concentration, dyspepsia, lack of interest in anything but the struggle, incapacity for play, unconsciousness of their fellow creatures."
はい、おっしゃる通りです。"anything but" の意味は通常、"not at all" や "far from" などと同様に解釈されますが、文脈によっては後置された "be" 動詞以外の場所にも現れることがあります。このような文脈では、"anything but" は否定的な意味を持ち、その言及された事柄が遠く及ばない、あるいはまったく当てはまらないことを示します。
したがって、与えられた文の場合、"anything but the struggle" の部分は、「闘争以外の何にも」という意味で、「闘争以外のものには全く興味がない」ということを示しています。この文は、仕事中の人々が他の何にも興味を持たず、闘争以外のことには全く関心を示さない状態を表現しています。
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I wanted to think my own thoughts, find my own friends, and choose my own abode, without regard to tradition or elders or anything but my own tastes. anything but .
[私は, - 伝統も,年長者も,自分の好み以外のいかなることも考慮しないで- 自分自身の思想をもち,自分の好きな友を見つけ,自分の好きなところに住みたいと望んだ。]
My mathematical tutors had never shown me any reason to suppose the Calculus anything but a tissue of fallacies. I had therefore two questions to trouble me, one philosophical, and one mathematical. The mathematical question had already in the main been solved on the Continent, though in England the Continental work was little known.
The statesman who has gradually concentrated all power within himself in order that he may be able to carry out the high and noble aims which have led him to eschew comfort and enter the arena of public life, is amazed at the ingratitude of the people when they turn against him. It never occurs to him that his work may have had anything but a public motive, or that the pleasure of controlling affairs may have in any degree inspired his activities.
* eschew (v):(・・・を意図的)に避ける
出典:ラッセル『幸福論』第8章 被害妄想」
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Nancy is anything but a quiet person.[ナンシーは決しておとなしい人ではない。]
His explanation was anything but satisfactory.
The room allotted to me was anything but comfortable.
That old bridge is anything but safe.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]