バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 a018 - attract
★ attract (v) [(注意・興味などを)引く,引きつける;(魅力などで)引きつける;誘惑する;(磁力などで)引きつける]
* attraction (n): 引きつけること;魅力;引きつけるもの(アトラクション);牽引;引力
* attractive (adj.) :引きつける;魅力的な
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A very frequent source of fatigue is love of excitement. If a man could spend his leisure in sleep, he would keep fit, but his working hours are dreary, and he feels the need of pleasure during his hours of freedom. The trouble is that the pleasures which are easiest to obtain and most superficially attractive are mostly of a sort to wear out the nerves.
The thesis of this book seems to me important, and I hoped that it would attract more attention than it has done. It was intended as a refutation both of Marx and of the classical economists, not on a point of detail, but on the fundamental assumptions that they shared.
[この本(注:『権力-新しい社会分析』<Power, a new social analysis, 1938>)の主題は重要なものに思われ,実際に世の注意を引いている以上に,もっと多くの人々の注意をひいてほしいと願った。
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The attractive force between any two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the bodies.[二つの物体に働く引力は,質量の積に比例し,距離の二乗に反比例する。
His new book has attracted a log of attention. / The company is trying to attract overseas investors.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]