バートランド・ラッセルの英語_日英語表現辞典シリーズ - m03: みせかけ make-believe
最所フミ(編著)『日英語表現辞典』(ちくま学芸文庫,2004年1月)を参考にした「ラッセルの英語_日英語表現辞典シリーズ」(通称 R日英表現)です。 総索引
★ みせかけ a sham; make-believe; window dressing (p.460)
* 「彼らの慈善はみせかけのものだ」
→ Their charity work is a sham.
The joy of mental adventure is far commoner in the young than in grown men and women. Among children it is very common, and grows naturally out of the period of make-believe and fancy.
So children are annoyed by a tactless reminder of reality, but are not in the least taken in by their own make-believe.
'You might,' Buddha replies, 'because you love pain, and your love of life is a sham. But those who really love life would be happy as no one can be happy in the world as it is.
出典:Bertrand Russell: A History of Western Philosophy, p.770 [Unwin University Books 及 Routledge 社の paperback ed. では p.739]
The kids made believe they were doctors and nurses.
出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.482
When we were children, we used to make believe [that] we were soccer stars.
出典:『九大英単』, new ed.
She lives in a world of make-believe if she thinks she can get to college without working hard.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.