* Originally appeared in the Background Book Why I Opposed Communism, published by Phoenix House, Ltd.
Source: Dear Bertrand Russell; a selection of his correspondence with general public 1950-1968, ed by B. Feinberg & R. Kasrils, 1969, part IV.
* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
私は1896年(ラッセル24歳の時)に最初に出版した本、『ドイツ社会民主主義』(German Social Democracy)の中でマルクスの学説を批判し、1934年 の『自由と組織』(Freedom versus Organization)の中で再びマルクスを批判した。1920年にソ連を訪ねた結果、『ボルシェビズムの実際 と理論』(Practice and Theory of Bolshevism)を出版し、マルクス・レーニン主義とソ連共産党の功罪に触れた。
要するに、1956年『自伝的回想』(Portraits from Memory and Other Essays)の「なぜ私は共産主義者でないか」の章で説明したように、私はギルド社会主義者であり、今まで一度も共産主義者になったことはない。
私は資本主義も共産主義も嫌いだ。 平和のためには、米ソは、人類破滅を招くイデオ ロギーの対立を小さい自己主張だと反省し、共存の道を悟るべきだ。
( Thank you for your letter of May 11 (1959). I judge from it that you have been completely misled as to my attitude towards Communism.
I published a book, The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, against it in 1920 which was reprinted a few years ago. I criticized the doctrines of Mar in 1896 in my first published book, German Social Democracy. I criticized him again in Freedom and Organization (1934). You will find an article called 'Why I a not a Communist' in Portraits from Memory (1956). In short, I am not and never have been a Communist.
I have been urging recently that, in view of the destructive character of the H-bomb, a world war would now be a catastrophe to mankind. Warmongers have countered my propaganda by pretending that I am a Communist.)