* 原著:Education and the Social Order, 1932, chap. 12: competition in education
* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
(In education, the ideal of competition has had two kind of bad effects. On the one hand, it has led to the teaching of respect for competition as opposed to co-operation, especially in international affairs; and on the other hand, it has led to a vast system of competitiveness in the class-room, and in the endeavour to secure scholarships, and subsequently in the search for jobs. ...)
(また、)競争に信(頼)を置く教育の最悪の欠点の一つは - 特に聡明な青年を - 余りにも過剰教育へと導くことである。現在、南北アメリカには存在してないが、西欧各国においては、青年達の想像力や知性や,さらには健康にさえもダメージを与えるような過剰教育の傾向がある。・・・米国の教育機関は種々の点で欧州の学校に劣るが,この点ではましである(注:本書の出版は1932年であることに注意)。米国の有能な大学院生(post-graduate 牧野氏は卒業生と訳出)は、ヨーロッパの同様の教室(授業)において見られるかなりの程度の博識という教養の幅というものをめったに有していないが、彼ら(米国の有能な大学院生)は知識愛、研究に対する情熱、知的独創性への新鮮さ -欧州においては、通常退屈かつ冷笑的な精確さがその場所を(代わりに)しめている- を持っている。絶えず学ぶことを愛し続けることは困難であるが、ヨーロッパの教育者たちは,未だこの点で、解決策を見出していない。
( One of the worst defects of the belief in competition in education is that led, especially with the best pupils, to a great deal of over-education. At the present day there is a dangerous tendency, in every country of Western Europe. though not in North or South America, to inflict upon young people so much education as to be damaging to imagination and intellect, and even to physical health. ... The educational system in the United States is in many ways inferior to those of Western Europe, but in this respect it is better than they are. Able young post-graduate in America seldom have the breadth of culture of the sheer extent of erudition that is to be found in the same class in Europe, but they have a love of knowledge, and enthusiasm for research and a freshness of intellectual initiative which in Europe have usually given place to a bored and cynical correctness. To learn without ceasing to love learning is difficult, and of this difficulty European educator have not found the solution.