バートランド・ラッセル 「子供の嘘」
*原著:On Education, especially in early childhool, pt.2, chap. 8, 1926)* 出典:『ラッセル思想辞典』所収
子供が机や椅子の角にぶつかると、「椅子のお馬鹿さん」とその角を叩いてみせる。これは自然の訓練とも言うべきことを子供から取り上げることになる。こぶができてもほって置くがよい、すると子供は生き物でない物に対する自分の注意の必要を学ぶからである。 (松下注:写真は、ラッセル一家。ラッセル、ドラ、ジョン、ケイト)
Untruthfulness, as a practice, is almost always a product of fear. The child brought up without fear will be truthful, not in virtue of a moral effort, but because it will never occur to him to be otherwise. The child who has been treated wisely and kindly has a frank look in the eyes, and a fearless demeanour even with strangers; whereas the child that has been subject to nagging or severity is in perpetual terror of incurring reproof, and terrified of having transgressed some rule whenever he has behaved in a natural manner. It does not at first occur to a young child that it is possible to lie. The possibility of lying is a discovery, due to observation of grown-ups quickened by terror.