* 原著: Principles of Social Reconstruction, 1916, chap.1* 出典ん:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』所収
* 挿絵出典:Bertrand Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet,1954)
All human activity springs from two sources : impulse and desire. ... All this is familiar and politifal philosopy hitherto has been almost entirey based upon desire as the source of human actions. ...
But desire governs no more than a part of human activity, and that not the most important but only the more conscious, explicit, and civilized part.
In all the more instinctive part of our nature we are dominated by impulses to certain kinds of activity, not by desires for certsain ends.
... Only passion can control passion, and only a contrary impulse or desire can check impulse.