『(英和対照) バートランド・ラッセル名言集』(語学テキスト)より(4)
* 出典:正田義彰・荒井良雄編『(英和対照) ラッセル名言集』(原書房, 1966年4月刊。201pp.)(p.137) The true test of a lover of freedom comes only in relation to things that he dislikes. To tolerate what you like is easy. It is toleration of what you dislike that characterizes the liberal attitude. (From: What is freedom?)
(自由の愛好者が本当にそうかどうかは、その人が嫌う物事についてだけ現れるものだ。自分が好きなものに寛大になるのは容易である。自由な態度の特色となるのは、自分が嫌いなものに寛大な態度をとることだ。) 自由人の十戒
(p.137) Men should be free in what only concerns themselves, but they should not be free when they are tempted to aggression against others.(From: An autobiographical epitome)
(p.166) The conception of duty, speaking historically, has been a means used by the holders of power to induce others to live for the interests of their masters rathan than for their own.(From: In Praise of Idleness)