『(英和対照) バートランド・ラッセル名言集』(語学テキスト)より(1)
* 出典:正田義彰・荒井良雄編『(英和対照) ラッセル名言集』(原書房, 1966年4月刊。201pp.)・哲学的精神がしみこんだ人は,専門の哲学者であろうとなかろうと,自分の信念をできるだけ真理に近づけたいと願い,それと同程度に,知ることを愛し,まちがっていることを憎もうとする。
(p.10) AT the present time the fiercest and the most dangerous animal with which human beings have to contend is man.(From: I believe)
(p.10) If mankind is to survive in the nuclear age, it can only be by the prevention of large-scale wars.(From: Programme of steps towards peace)
(p.11) Happiness must be, for most men and women, an achievement rather a gift of the gods.(From: The Conquest of Happiness)
(p.18) All powerful States must realize that their aims, whatever they may be, cannot be achieved by war. (From: Steps towards peace)