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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


* ラッセル関係の語学テキストからの採録です。
* 出典:佐山栄太郎(編)『訳注ラッセル選』(南雲堂,1960年7月刊)pp.38-39.


Attitude taken by everybody towards malicious gossip


One of the most universal forms*1 of irrationality*2 is the attitude*3 taken by practically everybody towards malicious gossip. Very few people can resist saying*4 malicious things about their acquaintances, and even on occasion*5 about their friends; yet when people hear that anything has been said against themselves,*6 they are filled with indignant amazement.*7 It has apparently never occurred to them that, just as they gossip about everyone else, so everyone else gossips about them. This is a mild form of the attitude which, when exaggerated,*8 leads on to*9 persecution mania.*10 We expect everybody else to feel towards us that tender love and that profound respect which we feel towards ourselves. It does not occur to us that we cannot expect others to think better of us than we think of them, and the reason this does not occur to us is that our own merits are great and obvious,*11 whereas*12 those of others, if they exist at all, are only visible to a very charitable eye.
(From: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930)

*1 universal forms「一般普通の形」
*2 irraionality「不合理」「不条理」。rational は「合理的な」「道理をわきまえた」の意味。その反対を示す接頭辞が ir- で, irregular, irresponsible, irresistible なども同類。
*3 attitude「態度」「~に対する」は towards が最も普通。
*4 regist saying「言うことに抵抗する」「言いたいのを抑える」
*5 on occasion「時々」
*6 against themselves「自分に不利な」
*7 indignant amazement は indignation and amazement と考えてよい。すなわち,「憤慨と驚き」,indignation は「怒り」であるが,特に残酷とか不正などを見て感じる「憤り」である
*8 when exaggerated[igzreitid]は when it is exaggerated と考える。ここの exaggerate は「病的に大きくする」の意味。
*9 lead on to「~になって行く」
*10 persecution mania[meini]「迫害妄想」「被害妄想」
*11 obvious=easily seen, clear
*12 whereas[hwerz]「…であるのに」

It has apparently never ... them that ... はit~that の構文で that 以下を仮主語 it が代表している。feel toward us that tender love ... では feel は他動詞で,その目的語は love とその後の respect である。そしてここは that ... which と連絡している。the reason this does not occur ... では reason の後に why を入れて解すればはっきりする。

* 右イラスト:Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953状より)