世界国家の樹立(松下彰良 訳)
それにもかかわらず(以上のような例外はあるけれども),一般的な原理/原則は,昔にくらべて今日のほうが,中央から離れた地に(対して)権力をふるうことがより容易となっている。この結果,国家間の競争の激しさが増し,(競争による)勝利を(以前よりも)断乎たるものにした。それは,(勝利による)領土の拡大は,効率を損うことはないからである。世界国家(国家の統一による一つの世界国家)は,今日,技術的には可能であり,また,ある種の過酷な世界大戦での勝利国によって樹立されるかも知れないし、あるいはそれよりもっと可能性があるのは,最も強力な中立諸国による世界国家の樹立である。 |
Chapter XI: The Biology of Organizations, n.13Technical causes, it should be observed, have not operated wholly in the direction of making it easier to exercise the power of the State at a distance; in some respects they have had the opposite effect. Hannibal's army subsisted for many years without keeping open its line of communications, whereas a large modern army could not last more than two or three days in such conditions. Navies, so long as they depended upon sails, were world-wide in their operations ; now, since they must frequently refuel, they are unable to operate long at a distance from some base. In Nelson's day, if the British commanded the seas in one region they commanded them everywhere ; now, though they may have command of the home waters, they are weak in the Far East, and have no access to the Baltic.Nevertheless, the broad rule is that it is easier now than in former days to exert power at a distance from the centre. The effect of this is to increase the intensity of competition between States, and to make victory more absolute, since the resulting increase of size need not impair efficiency. A World State is now a technical possibility, and might be established by a victor in some really serious world-war, or, more probably, by the most powerful of the neutrals. |