権力の監視及びコントロール(松下彰良 訳)
特定の個人とか特定の個人の集団の徳(道徳的美点)を当てにすること(信頼を置くこと)は無益である。哲人王(注:頭脳明晰な哲学者が支配者になること)は随分前に怠惰な夢として退けられたが,(今日)哲人政党は -これも同様に間違っているが- 偉大な発見として,歓呼して迎え入れられている。(注:本書の出版は1938年であることから、 ドイツにおけるナチス(=国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党)による1933年の政権獲得を指していると思われる。) 権力の問題の真の解決は,少数者による無責任な政治においては見つけることはまったくできないし,それ以外のいかなる近道においても見つけることはできない。しかし,この問題についてのこれ以上の論議は,後の章に譲らなければならない。 |
Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.33I do not pretend that this is easy. It involves, for one thing, the elimination of war, for all war is an exercise of naked power. It involves a world free from those intolerable oppressions that give rise to rebellions. It involves the raising of the standard of life throughout the world, and particularly in India, China, and Japan, to at least the level which had been reached in the United States before the depression. It involves some institution analogous to the Roman tribunes, not for the people as a whole, but for every section that is liable to oppression, such as minorities and criminals. It involves, above all, a watchful public opinion, with opportunities of ascertaining the facts.It is useless to trust in the virtue of some individual or set of individuals. The philosopher king was dismissed long ago as an idle dream, but the philosopher party, though equally fallacious, is hailed as a great discovery. No real solution of the problem of power is to be found in irresponsible government by a minority, or in any other short cut. But the further discussion of this matter must be left for a later chapter. |