* 原著:Education and the Social Order, 1932, chap.2* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
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個性や素質・能力を「引き出す教育(Education)」に対し、知識・技術を「詰め込む教育(instruction 教え込み/系統立てて教えること)」についての問題は難問中の難問(crux 難問,最も重要なポイント)である。
これらの四条件は普通の学校では困難だから、結局、現在では、授業参加を強制すること(compulsory attendance 就学義務)もやむを得ず必要となりそうである。(注:牧野氏は「現在では、教室の外へ強制的に出すこともやむを得ず必要となる」と訳されている。勘違いか?)
( The matter of instruction is the crux of the whole question. Experience has persuaded me, somewhat to my surprise, that it is possible to give adequate instruction, and to produce highly educated human beings, without imposing any obligation to be present at lessons. To do this requires a combination of circumstances which is not at present possible on a large scale.
It requires among adults a genuine and spontaneous interest in intellectual pursuits.
It requires small classes.
It requires sympathy and tact and skill in the teacher.
And it requires an environment in which it is possible to turn a child out of a class and tell him to go and play, if he wishes to be in class solely for the purpose of creating a disturbance.
It will be a long time before these conditions can be realized in ordinary schools, and therefore, for the present, compulsory attendance in class is likely to be necessary in the great majority of cases.)
( But in a world where all children escaped compulsion, there would soon be no occasion for this sense of inferiority, and each generation would be somewhat more ignorant than its predecessor. )