* 原著: Dear Bertrand Russell, 1969, pt.3, n5* 出典:『ラッセル思想辞典』所収
私は、自由な精神(心)と無知な精神(心)とを混同しないようにと言いたい。真理はなかなか分りにくいものだということ、そして、純粋に探求を続けようとする精神(心)と何物にもとらわれない自由な精神(心)にとって、'確実なこと' と言うものはそうやすやすと認められるものでない、と言いたい。・・・
... It is not error which is a danger to independence of mind. It is unwillingness to question everything. When you come to a point of view, maintain it with doubt. This doubt is precious because it suggests an open mind. I do not mean to argue that we should confuse an open mind with an empty one. I only mean to suggest that truth is an elusive thing, and that certainty is never available to a genuinely enquiring and independent mind.