戦争準備のため保育費を削る(松下彰良 訳)
保育園の子供は,かなりよい体格をしている。スラム街に住んでいる近所の子供たちが彼(保育園の子ども)に遠く及ばないだけではない。彼(保育園の子ども)よりも良い地域に住んでいる「良家の子女たち」,即ち,中流階級の非常に良い体格をした子供たちでさえ,彼に及ばないのである。親の愛情や,「親の責任感」以上のものが必要であることは,明らかである。経験のみに頼る方法は,全て失敗に終わった。知識を伴わない「親の愛情」も失敗に終わった。しかし,子どもの保育は失敗していない。それはきわめて高度の熟練を要する仕事なのである。 / |
Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap.13 Nursery schoolI do not think these claims exaggerated. The nursery school, if it became universal, could, in one generation, remove the profound differences in education which at present divide the classes, could produce a population all enjoying the mental and physical development which is now confined to the most fortunate, and could remove the terrible deadweight of disease and stupidity and malevolence which now makes progress so difficult. Under the Education Act of 1918, nursery schools were to have been promoted by Government money ; but when the Geddes Axe descended it was decided that it was more important to build cruisers and the Singapore Dock for the purpose of facilitating war with the Japanese. At the present moment the Government is spending £650,000 a year on such purposes as inducing people to poison themselves with preservatives in Dominion bacon ,and butter rather than eat pure butter from Denmark. To secure this end our children are condemned to disease and misery and unawakened intelligence, from which multitudes could be saved by the same sum a year spent on nursery schools. The mothers now have the vote; will they some day learn to use it for the good of their children?Apart from these wider considerations, what has to be realized is that the right care of young children is highly-skilled work, which parents cannot hope to do satisfactorily, and that it is quite different work from school-teaching in later years. To quote Miss McMillan again : The nursery child has a fairly good physique. Not only do his neighbours in the slum fall far short of him: his "betters" in good districts, the middle-class children, of a very good type, fall short of him. It is clear that something more than parental love and "parerltal responsibility" are wanted. Rules of thumb have all broken down. "parental love" without knowledge has broken down. Child nurture has not broken down. It is very highly skilled work. |
(掲載日:2015.06.12/更新日: )