子供を養えるようになってから子供を持つ(松下彰良 訳)
少女たちは,いつかは母親になるだろうということを予期することを教えられるべきであり,また,母親としての能力において有益な知識の初歩を身につけるべきである。もちろん,少年も少女も,生理学や衛生学についていくらか学ぶべきである。親としての愛情がなければ誰もよい親にはなれないことを,しかし親らしい愛情があったとしても多くの知識が必要であることを,明確に教えてあげなければならない。子供を取り扱うにあたって,知識を伴わない本能は本能を伴わない知識と同様に不十分である。知的な女性は,知識の必要性をよく理解すればするほど,ますます母になることに心が惹かれるであろう。現在,高等教育を受けた女性においては,母親になると自分の知的な能力を発揮する余地がなくなると考えて,母親になることを軽蔑する者が少なくない。これは,大変不幸なことである。なぜなら,もしも彼女たちが母になりたいと思うようになれば,(知的な)彼女たちこそ最もよい母親になることができるからである。 |
Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap.12 Sex educationYoung people should be led to realize that it is a very serious matter to have a child, and that it should not be undertaken unless the child has a reasonable prospect of health and happiness. The traditional view was that, within marriage, it is always justifiable to have children, even if they come so fast that the mother's health is ruined, even if the children are diseased or insane, even if there is no prospect of their having enough to eat. This view is now only maintained by heartless dogmatists, who think that everything disgraceful to humanity redounds to the glory of God. People who care for children, or do not enjoy inflicting misery upon the helpless, rebel against the ruthless dogmas which justify this cruelty. A care for the rights and importance of children, with all that is implied, should be an essential part of moral education.Girls should be taught to expect that one day they are likely to be mothers, and they should acquire some rudiments of the knowledge that may be useful to them in that capacity. Of course both boys and girls ought to learn something of physiology and something of hygiene. It should be made clear that no one can be a good parent without parental affection, but that even with parental affection a great deal of knowledge is required as well. Instinct without knowledge is as inadequate in dealing with children as knowledge without instinct. The more the necessity of knowledge is understood, the more intelligent women will feel attracted to motherhood. At present, many highly educated women despise it, thinking that it does not give scope for the exercise of their intellectual faculties ; this is a great misfortune, Since they are capable of being the best mothers, if their thoughts were turned in that direction. |
(掲載日:2015.06.04/更新日: )