最終- 良い結婚の精髄(松下彰良 訳)
良い結婚の精髄は,(夫婦の)お互いの人格に対する尊敬が存在し,それに肉体的にも,知的にも,精神的にも深い親密さが結びついていることである。それは,男女間のまじめな愛情を,人間のあらゆる経験のうちで最も実り豊かなものにしてくれる(のである)。そのような愛は,およそ偉大で貴重なものがそうであるように,それ自体の道徳を要求し,しばしば,大なるもののために小なるものを犠牲にすることを必要とする。しかし,そういう犠牲は自発的なものでなければならない。なぜなら,自発的でない場合は,せっかく愛のために犠牲を払ったのに,その愛の基礎そのものが破壊されてしまうからである。(完) |
Chapter XXI: Conclusion, n.14The doctrine that I wish to preach is not one of licence ; it involves nearly as much self-control as is involved in the conventional doctrine. But self-control will be applied more to abstaining from interference with the freedom of others than to restraining one's own freedom. It may, I think, be hoped that with the right education from the start this respect for the personality and freedom of others may become comparatively easy ; but for those of us who have been brought up to believe that we have a right to place a veto upon the actions of others in the name of virtue, it is undoubtedly difficult to forgo the exercise of this agreeable form of persecution. It may even be impossible. But it is not to be inferred that it would be impossible to those who had been taught from the first a less restrictive morality. The essence of a good marriage is respect for each other's personality combined with that deep intimacy, physical, mental, and spiritual, which makes a serious love between man and woman the most fructifying of all human experiences. Such love, like everything that is great and precious, demands its own morality, and frequently entails a sacrifice of the less to the greater; but such sacrifice must be voluntary, for, where it is not, it will destroy the very basis of the love for the sake of which it is made.(end of text) |