女性は,性的な事柄について自由に話すことに慣れていない。男性は(男性も),男同士で話す時や売春婦と話すとき以外は,それ(性的なことについて自由に話すこと)に慣れていない。お互いの生活の最も親密で重要な関心事について,彼らは内気であり,ぎこちなく,まったく黙っていることさえある。妻は,もしかすると(perphaps),満たされないまま,自分が望んでいるものが何であるかもよくわからないまま,眠らずに横たわっているかも知れない。夫は,もしかすると,売春婦でさえ,自分の正妻(lawful wife 法律によって認められた妻)よりも,もっと惜しみなく(愛情を)与えるのではないか,と考えるかも知れない。この考えは,初めはつかのまのものですぐに消え去るが,次第に,ますますしつこくなっていく。(注:probably は「多分」「十中八九は」。これに対し、perphaps は「ことによると」「もしかすると」というように,可能性はあるが確実性はない状態を示している。安藤貞雄氏は、もちろんそのことはご存知であるが、岩波文庫版の『ラッセル結婚論』においては「たぶん」という訳語をあてて,「売春婦でさえ,自分の正妻よりも,もっと惜しみなく与えるのではないか,と考えている。」と訳されている。これは言い過ぎに思われる。)もしかすると,夫が妻を燃えたたせるやり方を知らないので,妻が苦しんでいるまさにその時に,夫は妻の冷淡さに感情を損なっているのかも知れない。こういう不幸はすべて,沈黙と礼儀正しさ(重視)という我々の方針がまねいたものにほかならない。
Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.9
Marriage, the one conventionally tolerated outlet for sex, itself suffers from the rigidity of the code. The complexes acquired in childhood, the experiences of men with prostitutes, and the attitude of aversion from sex instilled into young ladies in order to preserve their virtue, all militate against happiness in marriage. A well-brought-up girl, if her sexual impulses are strong, will be unable to distinguish, when she is courted, between a serious congeniality with a man and a mere sex attraction. She may easily marry the first man who awakens her sexually, and find out too late that when her sexual hunger is satisfied she has no longer anything in common with him. Everything has been done in the education of the two to make her unduly timid and him unduly sudden in the sexual approach. Neither has the knowledge on sexual matters that each ought to have, and very often initial failures, due to this ignorance, make the marriage ever after sexually unsatisfying to both. Moreover, mental as well as physical companionship is rendered difficult. A woman is not accustomed to free speech on sexual matters. A man is not accustomed to it, except with men and prostitutes. In the most intimate and vital concern of their mutual life, they are shy, awkward, even wholly silent. The wife, perhaps, lies awake unsatisfied and hardly knowing what it is she wants. The man, perhaps, has the thought, at first fleeting and instantly banished, but gradually becoming more and more insistent, that even prostitutes are more generous in giving than his lawful wife. He is offended by her coldness, at the very moment, perhaps, when she is suffering because he does not know how to rouse her. All this misery results from our policy of silence and decency.