子供の自慰行為(松下彰良 訳)
少年期のごく早い時期から,子供は自分のことを罪人(つみびと)だと考える。やがて彼は,こっそり罪を犯すことを学び,誰も彼(自分)の罪を知らないということに中途半端な慰め(a half-hearted consolation)を見いだすようになる。彼は,とても不幸なので,似たような罪を彼ほどうまく隠しおおせなかった人々を罰することで,世間に復讐しようととする(注:自分は細心の注意をはらってわからないようにやっているのに、あいつは堂々とやっている。あいつを処罰すべきだ,といった感情)。子供のころに嘘をつくことに慣れたので,大人になっても平気で嘘をつくようになる。こうして,彼は,病的に内向的な偽善者でありかつ迫害者になる。これは,両親が判断を誤って子供を自分たちの考える道徳的な人間にしようと試みた結果である。
Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.3
Childhood and youth form a period in life when pranks and naughtiness and performances of forbidden acts are natural, spontaneous, and not regrettable except when carried too far. But infraction of sex prohibitions is treated by grown-up people quite differently from any other breach of rules, and is therefore felt by the child to belong to a quite different category. If a child steals fruit from the larder you may be annoyed, you may rate the child soundly, but you feel no moral horror, and you do not convey to the child the sense that something appalling has occurred. If, on the other hand, you are an old-fashioned person and you find him masturbating, there will be a tone in your voice which he will never hear in any other connection. This tone produces an abject terror, all the greater since the child probably finds it impossible to abstain from the behaviour that has called forth your denunciation. The child, impressed by your earnestness, profoundly believes that masturbation is as wicked as you say it is. Nevertheless, he persists in it. Thus the foundations are laid for a morbidness which probably continues through life. From his earliest youth onward, he regards himself as a sinner. He soon learns to sin in secret, and to find a half-hearted consolation in the fact that no one knows of his sin. Being profoundly unhappy, he seeks to avenge himself on the world by punishing those who have been less successful than himself in concealing a similar guilt. Being accustomed to deceit as a child, he finds no difficulty in practising it in later life. Thus he becomes a morbidly introverted hypocrite and persecutor as a result of his parents' ill-judged attempt to make him what they consider virtuous.