人間の品種改良?(松下彰良 訳)
全ての家畜は,科学的な繁殖によって,(これまで)大いに品種改良されてきた。人間も,似たような方法で,望みどおりの方向に変えられる(変えることができる)ことは,疑問の余地がない。もちろん,人間の場合,何が望ましいかを決定することは,ずっと難しい。体力(増強)を目指して人間を育てたならば,頭脳が弱くなってしまうかもしれない。知的能力(向上)を目指して育てたならば,さまざまな病気に一段とかかりやすくなってしまうかもしれない。情緒のバランス(能力)を生み出そうとするならば,芸術を破壊してしまうかもしれない。 こういった問題の全てについて,必要な知識は存在していない。従って,現時点では,積極的優生学(活用)の方向で多くのことをすることは望ましくない。しかし,次の百年以内,遺伝学や生化学が長足の進歩をとげて,現存の人類より優れていると誰もが認めるような人類を繁殖させることが可能になるということも,容易になるかも知れない(may easily be that)。 |
Chapter XVIII: Eugenics, n.6Nevertheless, every person who has given any thought to the subject knows that, although at present it may be difficult to determine who constitutes the best stocks, yet undoubtedly there are differences in this respect which science may hope to be able to measure before long. Imagine the feelings of a farmer who was told that he must give all his bull calves an equal opportunity! As a matter of fact, the bull which is to be the progenitor of the next generation is very carefully selected for the milk-giving qualities of his female ancestors. (We may note in passing that since science, art, and war are unknown to this species, prominent merit attaches only to the female sex, and the male is at best a transmitter of feminine excellences.) All domestic animals have been improved enormously by scientific breeding, and it is not open to question that human beings could, by similar methods, be changed in any desired direction. It is, of course, much more difficult to determine what we desire in human beings. It may be that if we bred people for physical strength we should diminish their brains. It may be that if we bred them for mental capacity we should render them more liable to various diseases. It may be that if we sought to produce emotional balance we should destroy art. On all these matters the necessary knowledge does not exist. It is not, therefore, desirable to do much in the way of positive eugenics at the present time. But it may easily be that within the next hundred years the sciences of heredity and bio-chemistry will have made such strides as to make possible the breeding of a race which everybody would admit to be superior to that now existing. |