人口の男女比がかなり異なる場合 (松下彰良 訳)
知識が増すにつれて,これまで自然の力だと思われていた(いろいろな)力を,政府の計画的な(慎重な)活動によって,制御することがますます可能になってくる。人口の増加は,その一つである。キリスト教が導入されて以来,人口の増加は,本能の盲目的な作用にゆだねられてきた(まかされてきた)。しかし,これを計画的に制御しなければならない時期が,急速に近づきつつある。 けれども,この問題については,前の方で国家による(子供の)幼児期の統制に関して見たように,我々は,国家の干渉を有益なものにしようとするなら,現在のような競争する軍国主義的な国家(States)の干渉ではなく,国際的な国家(State)の干渉でなければならない,ということなを発見している。(前者が States と複数形で、後者が State と単数形になっていることからわかるように,前者は個々の主権国家,後者は世界政府のような権威をもった単一国家のことを言っていることに注意が必要である。) |
Chapter XVII: Population, n.11In this connection there is one respect in which our existing moral code might be altered with advantage. There are in England some two million more women than men, and these are condemned by law and custom to remain childless, which is undoubtedly to many of them a great deprivation. If custom tolerated the unmarried mother, and made her economic situation tolerable, it cannot be doubted that a great many of the women at present condemned to celibacy would have children. Strict monogamy is based upon the assumption that the numbers of the sexes will be approximately equal. Where this is not the case, it involves considerable cruelty to those whom arithmetic compels to remain single. And where there is reason to desire an increase in the birth-rate, this cruelty may be publicly as well as privately undesirable.As knowledge increases, it becomes more and more possible to control, by deliberate Governmental action, forces which hitherto have seemed like forces of nature. Increase of population is one of these. Since the introduction of Christianity, it has been left to the blind operation of instinct. But the time is rapidly approaching when it will have to be deliberately controlled. In this matter, however, as before in regard to the State control of childhood, we have found that State interference, if it is to be beneficial, will have to be the interference of an international State, not of the competing militaristic States of the present day. |