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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第17章 人口問題 17-08 )- Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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最適人口密度(松下彰良 訳)

 この問題(出生率の低下)有益に議論するためには,まず,我々が何を望むのかを明確にしておく必要がある。経済技術のいかなる一定の状態においても,カー・サーンダーズ最適人口密度と呼んでいるものがある。即ち,一人あたり最高の収入をもたらす(人口)密度のことだ。人口(密度)がこのレベルより下がるか上がるかすれば,経済的な福祉の一般的な水準は減じる。大雑把に言って,経済技術が進歩するたびに,最適人口密度は増加する。狩猟(時代の)段階においては,一平方マイルあたり一人がほぼ適当であるが,しかるに,発達した工業国においては,一平方マイルあたり数百人の人口でも多すぎはしないようである。英国は,(第一次)大戦以降,人口過剰だと考えるべき理由がある。フランスについては,同じことは言えず,アメリカについては,なおさら言えない。しかし,フランスが いや,実際,西ヨーロッパのいかなる国も 人口増加によって平均的な富が増えそうもない。

Chapter XVII: Population, n.8

Before we can profitably discuss this problem, it is necessary to be clear as to what we desire. There is in any given state of economic technique what Carr Saunders calls an optimum density of population, that is to say, a density which gives the maximum income per head. If the population falls below this level or rises above it, the general level of economic well-being is diminished. Broadly speaking, every advance in economic technique increases the optimum density of population. In the hunting stage, one person per square mile is about right, whereas in an advanced industrial country a population of several hundred per square mile is likely to be not excessive. There is reason to think that England, since the war, is over-populated. One cannot say the same of France, still less of America. But it is not likely that France, or indeed any country of Western Europe, would gain in average wealth by an increase of population. That being so, we have no reason, from an economic point of view, to desire that population should increase. Those who feel this desire are usually inspired by motives of nationalistic militarism, and the increase of population that they desire is not to be a permanent one, since it is to be wiped out as soon as they can get the war at which they are aiming. In fact, therefore, the position of these people is that it is better to restrict population by death on the battlefield than by contraceptives. This view is not one which can be entertained by anyone who has thought it out, and those who seem to hold it do so only from muddle-headedness. Apart from arguments concerned with war, we have every reason to rejoice that the knowledge of birth-control methods is causing the populations of civilized countries to become stationary.
(掲載日:2016.12.20/更新日: )