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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第17章 人口問題 17-06 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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医学の進歩と死亡率の低下(松下彰良 訳)

 この段階で,二つの事件が起こっている。第一1870年の教育法であり,第二は,1878年に,新マルサス主義を宣伝したかどで,ブラッドロー(Charles Bradlaugh, 1833-1891,社会改革家で有名な無神論者。産児制限を主張。)が起訴されたことである。それに応じて,それ以後,出生率は,最初はゆっくりと,その後は急激に,低下していったことがわかる。英国教育法がその動機(注:出生率低下の動因)を提供し始めた。子供は,もはや,あまりもぅかる投資ではなくなったからである。そして,ブラッドローがその方法(注:出生率を下げる方法/産児制限のことと思われる。)を提供した。

Chapter XVII: Population, n.6

There is very little reason to attribute this increase of population to an increase in the birth-rate. It is attributable rather to a decline in the death-rate, due partly to the advance of medical science, but much more, I think, to the rising level of prosperity brought about by the industrial revolution. From the year 1841, when the birth-rate began to be recorded in England, down to the years 1871-1875, the birth-rate was nearly constant, reaching, in the latter period, a maximum of 35.5. At this stage two events occurred. The first was the Education Act of 1870; the second, the prosecution of Bradlaugh for neo-Malthusian propaganda in 1878. One finds, accordingly, that the birth-rate declined from that moment onward, at first slowly and then catastrophically. The Education Act began to afford the motive, since children were no longer such a lucrative investment; and Bradlaugh afforded the means. In the quinquennial period 1911-1915, the birth-rate had fallen to 23.6. In the first quarter of 1929, it had fallen to 16.5. The population of England is still slowly increasing owing to improvements in medicine and hygiene, but it is rapidly approaching a stationary figure. (note: In the first quarter of 1929 it diminished, but this is to be attributed to the influenza epidemic. See Times, May 27, l929.) France, as everyone knows, has had a virtually stationary population for a considerable time.
(掲載日:2016.12.17/更新日: )