結婚と自由恋愛(松下彰良 訳)
私がこう言うとき,もちろん,姦通(不義密通)による性交は,子供を生むことにいたるものではないと想定している。私生児が生まれた場合は(come in 私生児が介在する場合は),問題はずっと複雑になってくる。子供が妻のもの(妻が夫以外の男性との間に産んだ子供)である場合は,特にそうである。なぜなら,その場合,もしも結婚生活を続けるとしたら,夫は他の男の子供を自分の子供といっしょに育てなければならないし,また(スキャンダルを避けたければ),自分の子と(認知)さえしなければならないからである。これは,結婚の生物学的な基礎に反するばかりか,ほとんど耐えがたい本能的な緊張を伴うだろう。
Chapter XVI: Divorce, n.10
In saying this I am, of course, assuming that the adulterous intercourse will not be such as to lead to children. Where illegitimate children come in, the issue is much more complicated. This is especially the case if the children are those of the wife, for in that case, if the marriage persists, the husband is faced with the necessity of having another man's child brought up with his own, and (if scandal is to be avoided) even as his own. This goes against the biological basis of marriage, and will also involve an almost intolerable instinctive strain. On this ground, in the days before contraceptives, adultery perhaps deserved the importance which was attached to it, but contraceptives have made it far more possible than it formerly was to distinguish sexual intercourse as such from marriage as a procreative partnership. On this ground it is now possible to attach much less importance to adultery than is attached to it in the conventional code.