新旧のキリスト教と姦通(松下彰良 訳)
その結果,そういった結婚が容易に解消される新教国においては,姦通は極めて不快感をもって見られるのに対して,離婚を認めない国々においては,姦通は罪深いものとみなされはするけれども,少なくとも男性に関するかぎり,見て見ぬふりをされる(be winked 黙っていようねと目で合図される)。帝政ロシアでは,離婚が非常にむずかしかったので,ゴーリキーの政治思想についてどう思ったにせよ,私生活に関してゴーリキーのことを(離婚がより簡単なところで思われるほど)より悪く思うものは(no one thought the worse of Goriki),だれ一人としていなかった。アメリカでは,その反対に,だれもゴーリキーの政治思想に反対するものはいなかったけれども,彼は,道徳的理由で追い立てられ,一夜の宿を与えようとするホテルは一つもなかった(no hotel would give hime)。
Chapter XVI: Divorce, n.3
Both Protestants and Catholics have, in general, viewed divorce not from the point of view of the biological purpose of the family, but from the point of view of the theological conception of sin. Catholics, since they hold that marriage is indissoluble in the sight of God, necessarily maintain that when two persons have once married, neither of them can, during the lifetime of the other, have sinless intercourse with any other person, no matter what may happen in the marriage. Protestants, in so far as they have favoured divorce, have done so partly out of opposition to Catholic doctrine on the sacraments, partly also because they perceived that the indissolubility of marriage is a cause of adultery, and they believed that easier divorce would make the diminution of adultery less difficult. One finds, accordingly, that in those Protestant countries where marriages are easily dissolved, adultery is viewed with extreme disfavour, while in countries which do not recognize divorce, adultery, though regarded as sinful, is winked at, at any rate where men are concerned. In Tsarist Russia, where divorce was exceedingly difficult, no one thought the worse of Gorki for his private life, whatever they may have thought of his politics. In America, on the contrary, where no one objected to his politics, he was hounded out on moral grounds, and no hotel would give him a night's lodging.