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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第15章 家族と国家 15-04 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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ソビエト・ロシアの家族(松下彰良 訳)

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Chapter XV: The Family and the State, n.1

More radical transformations of the family have been envisaged in Soviet Russia, but in view of the fact that eighty per cent. of the population consists of peasants, among whom the family is still as strong as it was in Western Europe in the Middle Ages, the theories of Communists are likely to affect only a comparatively small urban section. We may therefore get in Russia the exact antithesis to the situation we have been considering in capitalistic countries, namely an upper class which dispenses with the family and a lower class which retains it.
(掲載日:2016.11.16/更新日: )