父親としての権利がなくなったら?(松下彰良 訳)
男性は,現在父性(paternity 父親であること)から与えられる権利を享受できなくなるとしても,子供を作るだろうか? 男性の中には,もしも(子供に)責任を持たなくてもよいのであれば,むやみに子供を作るだろう,と言うものがいるだろう。私は,そうは信じない。子供を欲しがる男性は,それに伴う義務を欲しがる(のである)。そして,今日のような避妊法の(が普及した)時代においては,男性が快楽の追求時における単なる偶発的な事件として頻繁に子供を持つようなことはしないであろう。もちろん,法律の状態がどうであろうとも,その中で男性が現在父であることから得ているところの,男性と女性が恒久的に融和して生活する道は常に開かれているだろう。
Chapter XIV: The Family in Individual Psychology, n.10
Would men beget children if they were not going to enjoy the rights which paternity confers at present? Some people would say that if they were not going to have responsibilities they would beget them recklessly. I do not believe this. A man who desires a child desires the responsibilities which it entails. And in these days of contraceptives a man will not often have a child as a mere incident in his pursuit of pleasure. Of course, whatever the state of the law might be, it would always be open to a man and woman to live in a permanent union in which the man could enjoy something of what now comes through fatherhood; but if law and custom were adapted to the view that children belong to the mother alone, women would feel that anything approximating to marriage as we know it now was an infraction of their independence, and involved a needless loss of that complete ownership over their children which they would otherwise enjoy. We must therefore expect that men would not often succeed in persuading women to concede rights legally guaranteed to them.