家庭における性教育(松下彰良 訳)
家族生活(家庭生活)が全体として望ましいか望ましくないかを決めるためには,もちろん,これ(家族)に代わる,唯一現実的なものは何であるか,を考察しなければならない。これには2つあると思われる。第一は,母権制家族,第二は,孤児院のような公共施設である。このどちらかを原則とするためには,かなりの経済的な変化が必要になるだろう。その変化がおこなわれたと仮定し,(その変化が)子供の心理に及ぼす影響を考察してみよう。 |
Chapter XIV: The Family in Individual Psychology, n.5There is another service which a wise father and mother can perform for their children, although until quite recent times they hardly ever did so. This is, that they can introduce them to the facts of sex and parenthood in the best possible way. If children learn of sex as a relation between their parents to which they owe their own existence, they learn of it in its best form and in connection with its biological purpose. In old days, they practically always learned of it first as the subject of ribald jokes and as a source of pleasures considered disgraceful. This first initiation, by means of secret indecent talk, usually made an indelible impression, so that it was ever after impossible to have a decent attitude on any subject connected with sex.To decide whether family life is on the whole desirable or undesirable, we must, of course, consider what are the only practical alternatives. They seem to be two: first, the matriarchal family, and second, public institutions such as orphan asylums. To cause either of these to become the rule would require considerable economic changes. We may suppose them carried out, and consider the effect upon the psychology of children. |