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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第13章 今日の家族 13-15 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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家族と死後の関心との関係(松下彰良 訳)

 今日のような避妊法の時代(避妊法が広く知られた時代)にあって,家族の最も重要な点は,もしかすると(ことによると)子供を持つ習慣を維持することにあるのかもしれない(注:probably ではなく perhaps )。もしも,男性に子供の所有権(親権など)を持つこと(注:have no property in child 子供が生まれても母親に親権を奪われたり、国家や社会がその子供を育てるような場合には,と言ったニュアンスか)子供と愛情のこもった関係を結ぶ機会もないということになれば,彼は子供を作ってもほとんど意味がないと思うだろう。もちろん,現在の経済制度が少し変われば,母親(と子供)だけから成り立つ家族が存在することも可能だろう。しかし,私が現在考察しているのは,その種の家族ではない。そういう家族は,貞操(性道徳)を守るための動機を与えないからである。本書において我々が関心を持つのは,安定した結婚の理由としての家族である(注:そういう母親(と子供)だけから成り立つ家族が悪いと言っているのではなく、あくまでも本書の検討対象外ということ)。もしかしたら -実際,私は決してありえないことではないと思っているがー 父親は,遠からず完全に除去されるかもしれない(注:国家が父親代わりになるなど)。ただし,金持ちは(金持ちが社会主義によって廃止されることはないと仮定して)その限りではない。その場合には,女性は子供を,個々の父親とではなく,国家と共有することになるであろう。女性は,欲しいだけの数の子供を生むだろうし,父親には(子供に対して)なんの責任もなくなるであろう。事実,母親が少しでも(at all)乱交を好む性格を持っていれば,父親を決めること(父親は誰かと確定すること)は不可能になるかもしれない(注:現在では遺伝子検査で可能です)

Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.15

Perhaps the greatest importance of the family, in these days of contraceptives, is that it preserves the habit of having children. If a man were going to have no property in his child, and no opportunity of affectionate relations with it, he would see little point in begetting it. It would, of course, with a slight change in our economic institutions, be possible to have families consisting of mothers only, but it is not such families that I am considering at the present time, since they afford no motives for sexual virtue, and it is the family as a reason for stable marriage that concerns us in the present work. It may be - and indeed I think it far from improbable- that the father will be completely eliminated before long, except among the rich (supposing the rich to be not abolished by Socialism). In that case, women will share their children with the State, not with an individual father. They will have such number of children as they desire, and the fathers will have no responsibility. Indeed, if the mothers are at all of a promiscuous disposition, fatherhood may be impossible to determine. But if this comes about, it will make a profound change in the psychology and activities of men, far more profound, I believe, than most people would suppose. Whether the effect upon men would be good or bad, I do not venture to say. It would eliminate from their lives the only emotion equal in importance to sex love. It would make sex love itself more trivial. It would make it far more difficult to take an interest in anything after one's own death. It would make men less active and probably cause them to retire earlier from work. It would diminish their interest in history and their sense of the continuity of historical tradition. At the same time it would eliminate the most fierce and savage passion to which civilized men are liable, namely the fury which is felt in defending wives and children from attacks by coloured populations. I think it would make men less prone to war, and probably less acquisitive. To strike a balance between good and bad effects is scarcely possible, but it is evident that the effects would be profound and far-reaching. The patriarchal family, therefore, is still important, although it is doubtful how long it will remain so.
(掲載日:2016.10.298 /更新日: )