家族の衰退の要因(松下彰良 訳)
この段階で,避妊法が知られるようになり,出生率の低下が始まった。普通の人は,あらゆる時代を通して,ちょうど(no more and no less),持っていれば利益になるだけの数の子供(as many children as it paid him to have)を持ってきたという見解には,傾聴するべき点が多い(注:pay ためになる/It won't pay me to do that job. その仕事を引き受けても割が合わない)。ともかくも,このことは,オーストラリアの原住民(であるアボリジニ),ランカシャーの紡績工,及び英国貴族にはあてはまると思われる。この見解は,理論的な厳密さをもって主張できると言うつもりはないが,ともすれば想像されるほど真実から遠ざかったものではない(だろう)。
Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.8
The decay of the family in quite recent times is undoubtedly to be attributed in the main to the industrial revolution, but it had already begun before that event, and its beginnings were inspired by individualistic theory. Young people asserted the right to marry according to their own wishes, not according to the commands of their parents. The habit of married sons living in their father's house died out. It became customary for sons to leave home to earn their living as soon as their education was ended. So long as small children could work in factories, they remained a source of livelihood to their parents until they died of overwork ; but the Factory Acts put an end to this form of exploitation, in spite of the protests of those who lived on it. From being a means of livelihood, children came to be a financial burden. At this stage, contraceptives became known, and the fall in the birth-rate began. There is much to be said for the view that the average man in all ages has had as many children as it paid him to have, no more and no less. At any rate this seems to be true of Australian aborigines, Lancashire cotton operatives, and British peers. I do not pretend that this view can be maintained with theoretical exactness, but it is not so far from the truth as one might be inclined to suppose.