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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第10章 結婚 10-06 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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結婚生活が幸福をもたらす条件(松下彰良 訳)


破婚の条件 (幻冬舎文庫) [ 森村誠一 ]
価格:586円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/15時点)

 結婚(生活)の幸福をもたらすもうひとつの条件は,未婚の女性(注:unowned women 所有者のない女性)の数が少なく,既婚の男性がちゃんとした女性と出会う社交の機会がないことである。妻以外の女性と性関係を持つ可能性がまったくないのであれば,大部分の男性は,この状況をなんとか最善をつくして,極端に悪い場合は別として,けっこう我慢できる状態だ,と思うだろう。同様のことは,妻にもあてはまる。結婚は大きな幸福をもたらすはずだとはまったく思っていない場合は,特にそうである。言い換えれば(即ち),結婚は,当事者のどちらもが,大きな幸福を結婚から得ることを期待しなければ,いわゆる幸福なものになりそうである。

Chapter X: Marriage, n.6

Another condition which makes for happiness in marriage is paucity of unowned women and absence of social occasions when married men meet respectable women. If there is no possibility of sexual relations with any woman other than one's wife, most men will make the best of the situation, and, except in abnormally bad cases, will find it quite tolerable. The same thing applies to wives, especially if they never imagine that marriage should bring much happiness. That is to say, a marriage is likely to be what is called happy if neither party ever expected to get much happiness out of it.

Fixity of social custom, for the same reason, tends to prevent what are called unhappy marriages. If the bonds of marriage are recognized as final and irrevocable, there is no stimulus to the imagination to wander outside and consider that a more ecstatic happiness might have been possible. In order to secure domestic peace where this state of mind exists, it is only necessary that neither the husband nor the wife should fall outrageously below the commonly recognized standard of decent behaviour, whatever this may be.

(掲載日:2016.09.15 /更新日: )