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バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第8章 性知識に関するタブー 08-12 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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いわゆる猥褻文書の扱い(松下彰良 訳)

 告訴により、猥褻図書等が販売または配布の目的で家屋やその他の場所に保管されていると信ずべき何らかの理由があり、かつ、このような物品(articles 物件)が一部以上かかる場所と関係あるところで販売または配布された証拠がある場合は、治安判事(justices)は、このような物品(物件)の出版が軽犯罪とするに足る性質および種類のものであって、そのようなものとして告訴することが適当であることを確認した上で、特別な令状(special warrant)により,このような物品(物件)を押収するように命ずることができる(may order)。また、同家屋の住居人を召喚(summoning)したのち、同一の、または他の治安判事は、押収された物品(物件)が令状に記載された性質のものであり、上述の目的で保管されていたことを確認した場合には、その物件(物件)を破棄することを命ずることができる。
* デズモンド・マッカーシーの優れた論文「猥褻と法律」(『人生と文学』1929年5月号所収)を参照。

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.12

I am not discussing in this chapter what sexual conduct ought to be, but only what ought to be our attitude on the question of sex knowledge. In what has been said hitherto as to the imparting of sex knowledge to the young, I shall, I hope and believe, have had the sympathy of all enlightened modern educators. I come, however, now to a more debatable topic, in which I fear that I may have more difficulty in securing the sympathy of the reader. This is the topic of what is called obscene literature.
In England and America alike the law declares that literature that is deemed obscene may in certain circumstances be destroyed by the authorities, and the author and publisher may be punished. In England the law under which this can be done is Lord Campbell's Act of I857. This Act states that :
If upon complaint there is any reason to believe that any obscene books, etc., are kept in any house or other place, for the purpose of sale or distribution, and upon proof that one or more such articles has been sold or distributed in connection with such a place, justices may, upon being satisfied that such articles are of such a character and description that the publication of them would be a misdemeanour and proper to be prosecuted as such, order by special warrant that such articles shall be seized, and after summoning the occupier of the house, the same or other justices may, if they are satisfied that the articles seized are of the character stated in the warrant, and have been kept for the purpose aforesaid, order them to be destroyed. (note: See an excellent discussion by Desmond MacCarthy, "Obscenity and the Law", Life and Letters, May I929.)
(掲載日:2016.08.18 /更新日: )