Beacon Hill School での経験(松下 訳)
このように言うとき、私はアプリオリに(アプリオリなこととして/自明なこととして)論じているのではなく、経験をもとに論じているのである。私の(私が開設した)学校(注:Beacon Hill School という名称の幼児学校のこと)の子供たちの間で観察してきたことは、子供の中のみだらさ(性的いかがわしさ)は、大人の紳士淑女ぶり(性的潔癖さ)の結果であるという見方が正しいことを決定的に示している,と私には思われる。私の二人の子供(七歳の男の子と五歳の女の子)は、性や排泄(排泄作用/排泄物)について何か特別なものがあるとは一度も教えられなかったし、また、これまで、上品さとか、それに対応する下品さとかの観念をいっさい知ることがないように極力守られてきた。二人は、赤ん坊がどこから生まれるか、という問題に自然かつ健康的な関心を示したが、機関車や鉄道に示した関心ほどではなかった。また、大人がいてもいなくても、そのような話題について長々と話す傾向はまったく示さなかった。私の学校の他の子供たちに関しては、2,3歳で入学した場合には,いや四歳で入学した場合でさえ,私たちの子供とまったく同じように発達することを、私たちは発見した。
Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.10
In saying this I am not arguing a priori, but on a basis of experience. What I have observed among the children in my school has shown conclusively, to my mind, the correctness of the view that nastiness in children is the result of prudery in adults. My own two children (a boy aged seven, and a girl aged five) have never been taught that there is anything peculiar either about sex or about excretion, and have so far been shielded to the utmost possible extent from all knowledge of the idea of decency, with its correlative, indecency. They have shown a natural and healthy interest in the subject of where babies come from, but not so much as in engines and railways. Nor have they shown any tendency to dwell upon such topics either in the absence or in the presence of grown-up people. With regard to the other children in the school, we have found that if they came to us at the age of two or three, or even four, they developed exactly like our own children ; most of those, however, who came to us at the age of six or seven had already been taught to regard anything connected with the sexual organs as improper. They were surprised to find that in the school such matters were spoken of in the same tone of voice as was employed about anything else, and for some time they enjoyed a sense of release in conversations which they felt to be indecent ; finding, however, that the grown-ups did nothing to check such conversations, they gradually wearied of them, and became nearly as clean-minded as those who had never been taught decency. They now get merely bored when children new to the school attempt to start conversations which they fondly believe to be improper. Thus by letting fresh air on to the subject it has become disinfected, and the noxious germs which it breeds when kept in darkness have been dissipated. I do not believe that it is possible by any other method to get a group of children whose attitude towards subjects usually considered improper is so wholesome and decent.