両親の道徳的・知的な権威の失墜(松下彰良 訳)
さらに,性に関わる場合に両親が嘘をつく以上,性に関する話題では自分たちもまた嘘をついてもよいだろう,と子供たちは結論する。子供たちは,性について語りあい,そうして,隠れて自慰(マスターベーシーン)を非常にしがちである。このようにして,子供たちは,嘘を言い,隠しごとをする習慣を身につけていくとともに,両親に(隠れて自慰をしないようにと)脅されるために,彼らの生活は恐怖心によって曇らせられる。両親や保母が,自慰の悪い結果について脅かすことが,子供時代ばかりではなく,成人してからも,精神障害の原因になることが非常に多いことは,精神分析によって明らかにされてきている。 それゆえ,若い人たちに対する因習的な性の扱い方の結果,人びとを愚かにし,嘘つきで,臆病者にし,さらに,かなりのパーセンテージの人を,正常の境界を越えて,精神異常,あるいは,それに似たものへと駆り立てる(ものとなる)。 |
Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.7In addition to this intellectual damage, there is in most cases a very grave moral damage. As Freud first showed, and as everyone intimate with children soon discovers, the fables about the stork and the gooseberry-bush are usually disbelieved. The child thus comes to the conclusion that parents are apt to lie to him. If they lie in one matter, they may lie in another, so that their moral and intellectual authority is destroyed. Moreover, since parents lie where sex is concerned, the children conclude that they also may lie on such topics. They talk with each other about them, and very likely they practise masturbation in secret. In this way they learn to acquire habits of deceit and concealment, while, owing to their parents' threats, their lives become clouded with fear. The threats of parents and nurses as to the bad consequences of masturbation have been shown by psycho-analysis to be a very frequent cause of nervous disorders, not only in childhood but in adult life also.The effects of the conventional treatment of sex in dealing with the young are therefore to make people stupid, deceitful, and timorous, and to drive a not inconsiderable percentage over the border-line into insanity or something like it. |