不合理なタブー(松下彰良 訳)
ニューイングランド出身の連邦判事で裁判長のウォレン・B・バローズは,上述(前述)の事実をすべて無視し,証言しようと待機していた高名な教育者や医師たちが意見を述べること(証言台に立つこと)も,有名な著述家によるデネット夫人の著作を是認する意見を陪審員団が聞くことも拒否した。裁判は,事実上,年配のブルックリンの既婚の男性たちで構成されている陪審員団に,パンフレットを音読して聞かせることで成り立っていた(音読するだけで終わった)。陪審員はすべて,H・L・メンケンやハヴュロック・エリスの著書を一冊も読んだことがないという理由で選ばれていた。読んでいないというテスト(確認)は,検察官(注:prosecuting attorney 米国の検察官)によってなされた。
Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.2
Reticence about sexual facts, though it belongs in the main to a different department, has had its origin, at least in part, in a similar motive. It was at first only females who were to be kept ignorant, and their ignorance was desired as a help towards masculine domination. Gradually, however, women acquiesced in the view that ignorance is essential to virtue, and partly through their influence it came to be thought that children and young people, whether male or female, should be as ignorant as possible on sexual subjects. At this stage the motive ceased to be one of domination and passed into the region of irrational taboo. The question whether ignorance is desirable is never examined, and it is even illegal to bring evidence to show that ignorance does harm. I may take, as my text on this subject, the following extract from the Manchester Guardian of April 25, 1929:
American Liberals are shocked by the outcome of the court trial of Mrs. Mary Ware Dennett, who was yesterday found guilty by a Federal jury in Brooklyn of sending obscene literature through the mails. Mrs. Dennett is the author of a highly praised and widely used pamphlet giving in dignified language the elementary facts of sex for children. She is faced with a possible sentence of five years' imprisonment or a dine of £1,000 or both.
Mrs. Dennett, a well-known social worker, is the mother of two grown-up sons, and originally wrote the pamphlet eleven years ago for their instruction. It was printed in a medical magazine and reprinted in pamphlet form at the request of the editor. It has the endorsement of scores of leading physicians, clergymen, and sociologists, and many thousands of copies have been distributed by the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations. It has even been used in the municipal school system of Bronxville, a fashionable suburb of New York.
The Federal judge, Warren B. Burrows, from New England, who presided, ruled out all the foregoing facts, and refused to let any of the distinguished educators and physicians who were waiting to testify take their stand or permit the jury to hear endorsements of Mrs. Dennett's work by prominent authors. The trial virtually consisted of the reading of the pamphlet aloud to a jury of elderly Brooklyn married men, all of whom had been chosen because they had never read any of the works of H. L. Mencken or Havelock Ellis, a test applied by the prosecuting attorney.
It seems clear that the New York World is correct when it says that if Mrs. Dennett's work is not permitted to circulate then there is no hope of putting any plain, honest statement of the facts of sex before young people in America. The case will be the subject of an appeal to a higher court, whose decision will be awaited with the greatest interest.