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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 06-12- Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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結婚の意味及び意義(松下彰良 訳)


サバイバル・ウェディング DVD-BOX [ 波瑠 ]
価格:16,720円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/11時点)

 結婚は、二人の人間が一緒にいる喜びよりも、もっと重大なものである。結婚は、そこから子供が生まれるという事実を通して、社会の緊密な構造(組織/生地)の一部を形成し、夫と妻の個人的な感情をはるかに越えた重要性をもつ(一つの)制度である。ロマンチックな恋愛結婚の動機となるのはよいことかもしれないが -私はよいことだと思っている- 結婚を幸福であり続けることを可能にし、その社会的目的を果たさせる種類の恋愛は、ロマンチックなものではなく、それよりも,もっと親密かつ愛情深くかつ現実的なものであるということを理解しなければならない(理解されなければならない)。 

Chapter VI: Romantic Love n.12

Marriage is something more serious than the pleasure of two people in each other's company ; it is an institution which, through the fact that it gives rise to children, forms part of the intimate texture of society, and has an importance extending far beyond the personal feelings of the husband and the wife. It may be good --I think it is good-- that romantic love should form the motive for a marriage, but it should be understood that the kind of love which will enable a marriage to remain happy and to fulfil its social purpose is not romantic, but is something more intimate, affectionate and realistic. In romantic love the beloved object is not seen accurately, but through a glamorous mist. Undoubtedly it is possible for a certain type of woman to remain wrapped in this mist even after marriage, provided she has a husband of a certain type; but this can only be achieved if she avoids all real intimacy with her husband and preserves a sphinx-like secrecy as to her inmost thoughts and feelings, as well as a certain degree of bodily privacy. Such manoeuvres (maneuver), however, prevent a marriage from realizing its best possibilities, which depend upon an affectionate intimacy quite unmixed with illusion. Moreover, the view that romantic love is essential to marriage is too anarchic, and, like St. Paul's view, though in an opposite sense, it forgets that children are what makes marriage important. But for children, there would be no need of any institution concerned with sex, but as soon as children enter in, the husband and wife, if they have any sense of responsibility or any affection for their offspring, are compelled to realize that their feelings towards each other are no longer what is of most importance.
(掲載日:2016.07.21 /更新日: )