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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第3章 家父長制度 03-01 - Marriage and Morals, 1929

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家父長制出現の原因(松下彰良 訳)

 父性の生理学上の事実が認識されるやいなや、父親の感情の中にまったく新しい要素が入ってくる。その要素は,ほとんどあらゆる場所で,家父長制社会を生み出すにいたった。聖書に書かれているように、子供が自分の「種」であることを父親が認識するやいなや、父親の子供に対する感情は、二つの要因によって強化される。即ち、権力愛死後も生き残りたいという(不死の)願望である。ある人間の子孫の業績は、ある意味では,その人(自分)の業績であり、子孫の生命は、その人(自分)の生命の連続である(と言える)。野心は、もはや墓場で終わりを見い出すことなく、子孫(たち)の生涯を通して,無限に拡大することができる。たとえば、お前の子孫にカナン(注:Canaan カナアン:地中海とヨルダン川・死海に挟まれた地域一帯の古代の地名)の地を与えようと告げられた時のアブラハムの満足を考えてみよう(考えて見るとよい)。
 母系社会では、家族の野心は女性に限定されざるをえなかった。そして、女性は戦いをしないので、女性の抱くような家族の野心は、男性の野心のような大きな影響を及ぼさない。従って、父性からくる野心(注: that of fatherhood 岩波文庫版『結婚論』で,安藤氏「父性の発見」と訳しているが、"that" に「発見」の訳語を当たる根拠は前の文章を見ても存在しない。前の文章の「野心」を受けているのであろう。)は、人間社会を母系(社会)の段階よりも、もっと競争的かつもっと精力的かつもっとダイナミックかつもっと騒々しいものにするだろう、と想定しなければならない。
 こういったある程度仮説的な影響は別にして、妻の貞操を強く要求する,新しくかつきわめて重要な理由が一つあった。嫉妬(心)における純粋に本能的な要素は、大部分の現代人が想像するほど,強いものではない。家父長制社会において嫉妬が極端に強くなるのは、子孫が偽造されることに対する恐怖(心)のせいである。このことは、自分の妻に飽きて愛人を熱愛している男でさえも(にもかかわらず),愛人の愛情に対するライバルを発見した時よりも、妻が関わる(ライバルの)場合の方が、いっそう嫉妬心をかきたてられるという事実からもわかるであろう。摘出子は男性の自我の継続であり、彼がその子に寄せる愛情は利己心(我欲)の一形態である。これに反して、もしもその子供が摘出でない場合は、推定上の父親(父親であることは推定しかできない男)は,だまされて自分と生物学的な関係がまったくない子供を,気前よく,世話をさせられる(ことになる)。このため、父性の発見は、女性の貞操を確保する唯一の手段として、女性の隷属 -それは,最初は肉体的なものであり,その後精神的なものとなり,(英国の)ヴィクトリア朝時代に頂点に達した。- へと導いたのである。

Chapter III: Patriarchal Systems

As soon as the physiological fact of paternity is recognized, a quite new element enters into paternal feeling, an element which has led almost everywhere to the creation of patriarchal societies. As soon as a father recognizes that the child is, as the Bible says, his "seed", his sentiment towards the child is reinforced by two factors, the love of power and the desire to survive death. The achievements of a man's descendants are in a sense his achievements, and their life is a continuation of his life. Ambition no longer finds its termination at the grave, but can be indefinitely extended through the careers of descendants. Consider, for example, the satisfaction of Abraham when he is informed that his seed shall posses the land of Canaan. In a matrilineal society, family ambition would have to be confined to women, and as women do not do the fighting, such family ambition as they may have has less effect than that of men. One must suppose, therefore, that of fatherhood would make human competitive, more energetic, more hustling than it had been in the matrilineal stage. Apart from this effect, which is to some extent hypothetical, there was a new and all-important reason for insisting upon the virtue of wives. The purely instinctive element in jealousy is not nearly so strong as most moderns imagine. The extreme strength of jealousy in patriarchal societies is due to the fear of falsification of descent. This may be seen in the fact that a man who is tired of his wife and passionately devoted to his mistress will nevertheless be more jealous where his wife is concerned than when he finds a rival to the affections of his mistress. A legitimate child is a continuation of a man's ego, and his affection for the child is a form of egoism. If, on the other hand, the child is not legitimate, the putative father is tricked into lavishing care upon a child with whom he has no biological connection. Hence the discovery of fatherhood led to the subjection of women as the only means of securing their virtue - a subjection first physical and then mental, which reached its height in the Victorian age. Owing to the subjection of women, there has in most civilized communities been no genuine companionship between husbands and wives ; their relation has been one of condescension on the one side and duty on the other. All the man's serious thoughts and purposes he has kept to himself, since robust thought might lead his wife to betray him. In most civilized communities women have been denied almost all experience of the world and of affairs. They have been kept artificially stupid and therefore uninteresting. From Plato's dialogues one derives an impression that he and his friends regarded men as the only proper objects of serious love. This is not to be wondered at when one considers that all the matters in which they were interested were completely closed to respectable Athenian women. Exactly the same state of affairs prevailed in China until recently, and in Persia in the great days of Persian poetry, and in many other ages and places. Love as a relation between men and women was ruined by the desire to make sure of the legitimacy of children. And not only love, but the whole contribution that women can make to civilization, has been stunted for the same reason.

(掲載日:2016.06.09/更新日: )